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Installation at the Royal College of Surgeons of England

We’re not your average courier company. As well as industry leading same day delivery we offer a range of other services, quite unique to a company our size and in our sector.

One of those services being the installation and maintaining of high-end marketing banners and kiosks for exhibitions.
We’ve completed many such jobs for our customers. Ensuring their promise to their clients it perfectly fulfilled.

Installations can range from a single, simple display to a complex, multi-faceted interactive setup requiring multiple IT systems and communications back to our customers office.
Our latest install was probably one of our most prestigious. The Royal College of Surgeons of England in London.

Acting on behalf of our client we were tasked with installing 3 high end interactive marketing banners. These banners are custom made to order and need to be handled carefully.
The banners were destined for a suite on the sixth floor. Which ordinarily wouldn’t have been an issue. Except the cargo lift had broken down that very morning. We don’t deal with excuses; we only work to find solutions. Thankfully the staff were kind enough to allow us to take the goods up slowly and carefully via the public lifts.

The venue is beautiful building and a mecca for future doctors and healthcare professionals. So extra care was taken to avoid any damage to fittings and minimise inconvenience to public.

With that problem resolved the installation went smoothly and ahead of schedule allowing our driver to help some of the other exhibitors.

Less than 10 hours later we were back onsite to derig the installation. This isn’t uncommon as quite a few installs are a one-day event, sometimes even hours. Again, the same care, curtesy and professionalism was applied to make sure there was a minimum of fuss whilst leaving the site.